David Huang (黃烱剛)
9, Lane 13, Yongkang St,
District, Taipei City, 106 (台北市大安區, 永康街13巷9號3樓)
Phone: (+886) 0966-100-930
Online Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/davehuang
Skype: cheesecakehuang
Email: ckayhuang@gmail.com
A glimpse of me
Life is too short to just wonder ‘what
if’. Our minds are constantly firing signals (right/wrong, true/false) and by default
we always tend towards predicting the worst case scenario that will stop us
from doing.
Finding myself growing out of my
mistakes in the past, helped me realize the importance of improving self doubt,
and understanding that ‘fear’, is really just a word, a default signal that’s
been empowered by society, constantly telling us “Don’t do that, you will
definitely fail”. “Do this instead, that’s what ‘EVERYBODY’ is doing”. I do not
enjoy failure, but I seek the reason for why I failed and enjoy the process of
climbing back up and do it again.
One of my favorite quotes from Bruce
Lee: “Be water my friend”, water can be many forms and shapes, I believe we are
capable of been water and forever changing and coping with challenges if we
change the ‘What if’ to ‘Lets Try it’; and if we fail, we try it again.
New York University, Tisch Asia School of the Arts, Singapore,
Animation and Digital Arts, Masters of Fine Arts, May 2012
New York University, New York, USA,
Recombinant DNA Technology, Masters of Science, May 2007
Post University (Teikyo Post University), Connecticut, USA,
Major: Biology, Bachelors of Science, May 2005
Newcastle High School, Newcastle, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Matric, December 2000
Rhythm and Hues (Taiwan), Basic composting program,
03/2013 - 04/2013, Taiwan.
Attended a composting program held by Rhythm and Hues based in
Taiwan, program provided skills in Visual Effects (VFX) for background
preparation that included: Dust busting, wire removal, rotoscoping, basic
composting and procedural method of rotoscoping.
Ezoo School of Music and Art, Primary Art instructor,
10/2012 - 03/2013, Singapore.
Oversaw the art curriculum, taught introduction to art mediums
with the idea of using your five senses (sight, taste, sound, touch and smell).
Cacani Private Ltd., 2D animation Software Tester,
07/2012 – 08/06/2012, Singapore.
To perform repeated testing on various aspects of the animation
software. Communicate and describe software errors with the developers and
record test cases for regression testing.
Earth Girl project (Short),Technical and creative CG work
06/2012 – 07/2012, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Provided concept design, via traditional and digital media.
Provided previsualization, 2D cutout animation, rendering and composting works.
TIMES Learning+, Art instructor, 2011 Singapore
Four session workshop, where I taught children 7-12yrs. Lending
the most basic tools of shapes, color and smell. To help them create characters
through the wondrous nature of their imaginary minds.
NYU Tisch Asia Collaboration film, 2011, Singapore
Provided visual developments for two short film scripts, include
clean up storyboards, and bringing new composition ideas.
Clinical Laboratory Technician, 10/2007 – 06/2010,
Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York, NY
Clinical researcher, conducting Multiplex qPCR to detect
numerous respiratory viruses (PIV1,2,3, hMPV, RSV, Influenza A, Influenza B)
via designer beacons, experienced with molecular cloning for quantitative
Research Assistant, 04/2006 - 12/2006
Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, New York, NY
Primer designing to amplify target genes; conducted molecular
cloning, DNA purification, ligation and transformation with DH5 alpha and LMG
competent cells for later cell culturing and membrane protein purification.
Extracted membrane proteins via cell extraction methods to concentrate high
quality membrane proteins for protein crystallization stages.
Clinical characterization of human metapneumovirus infection
among patients with cancer. Journal of Infection, December 2008.
GRADUATE THESIS In pursuit of YrbG Na+ / Ca2+ exchanger membrane
Master degree Thesis, May 2007
Trained as a Pilot
(2013 – 2016) Trained as a commercial
pilot in the States, Fresno, CA
Accumulated 364.9 Flying hours.
License: FAA CPL with Multiengine Land
with add on Instrument.
Youth Division President
(2008 – 2009) Buddhist Light International Association,
Flushing, NY
Acting president of nonprofit youth charity organization in
volunteer outreach programs, provide community services, design posters and
organize annual children summer camp.
Resident Assistant (RA)
(2003 - 2004) Post University, Waterbury, CT
Eased student's transition to college life. Assisted students with social and academic difficulties. Dissolved confrontations and aid student safety. Created and promoted on-campus activities.
Public Relation Design Coordinator
(2002 - 2003) Post University, Waterbury, CT
Responsible for major on campus poster designs & advertisements.
Commissioned to design 2002 New Student Orientation theme.
Hardware: PC, Mac
Software: Windows 98/XP/Vista, Microsoft Office, ABI 7300, qPCR,
MagNA Pure LC V3.0.
ADOBE: Photoshop CS Versions, Illustrator, After Effect, Flash
AutoDesk: Maya 2
Translated Mandarin version:
我是一個極具創造動力的人, 腦力激盪及學習原創力的延伸是每個人都可及的能力,但要有國際觀及開發新的動力來源及策略的組織與實現,並非人人可及,我在生物科技及2D跟3D動畫雖然取得二個碩士學位,但我深信我的創作思維及對結合生物科技與動畫的潛力,必須有良好的工作環境及有鋭力眼光的夥伴,一起研發和他人不同的思路及巿場之區隔,我的自信及對自己工作的責任感及團隊的合作精神,也是我未來工作成長的最大動力與資源。這一切塑造了一個又可靠又思維發散的我。
美國紐約大學提斯克(Tisch) 藝術學院。
2D, 3D動畫數字藝術與純藝術碩士學位,2012年5月。
DNA 重組技術碩士學位,2007年5月。
1. 2D動畫軟件測試師, 2012年7月-2012年8月, Cacani Private Ltd. 新加坡
對開發中的動畫軟件進行各個方面的重複測試. 月開發和設計人員交流測試中出現的問題,記錄每一步的測試結果為後續研發作為參考。
2. Earth Girl 動畫短片項目, CG動畫師, 2012年6月-2012年7月, 南洋理工大學, 新加坡
利用傳統手繪與現代數字技術的結合進行創意概念設計, 為動畫短片提供視覺化處理,2D剪影動畫, 渲染, 合成等工作。
3. 美術講師, 2011 TIMES Learning+, 新加坡
針對7-12歲學齡兒童開課, 教授顏色,形狀, 氣味等繪畫藝術的基礎課程. 幫助學生, 激發學生對於想像力的發展和創造力的實現。
Tisch 短片電影項目
為兩部短片電影提供視覺化處理, 故事版設計整理, 以及提供視覺構圖的構思。生物實驗室工作履歷:
臨床研究員, 2007年10月-2010年6月, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 紐約
運用設計信標,進行複用Q-PCR檢測呼吸道病毒(PIV 1,2,3, 人類偏肺病毒, 呼吸道合胞病毒, A/B型流感病毒) 的定量分析和分子克隆。
研究助理, 2006年4月-2006年12月, Skirball 生物醫藥研究所, 紐約大學
引物設計擴增目標基因, 分子克隆, DNA純化, 連接和轉化DH-5 alpha和LMG細胞, 為後續的細胞培育和細胞膜蛋白純化提供準備工序。 利用細胞分離技術分離細胞膜蛋白, 從而獲得為蛋白質結晶化利用的高品質膜蛋白。
因癌症患者感染人類偏肺病毒的臨床表徵. Journal of Infection, 2008年12月。研究所畢業研究:
論文: YrbG Na+ / Ca2+ exchanger membrane protein
1. 國際佛光會青年部團長,2008年1月- 2009年12月, Buddhist Light International Association,
Flushing, 紐約
主持非盈利兒童慈善組織工作. 推廣計劃志願者, 提供設需服務, 海報設計, 並組織兒童夏令營活動。
2. 海報設計, 2002年-2003年, 普斯特大學
負責校園海報設計, 組織校園迎新活動。
操作系統: PC/Mac
軟體: Microsoft Office, ABI 7300, qPCR, MagNA Pure LC V3.0.
ADOBE: Photoshop CS5, Illustrator CS4, After Effect CS5, Flash CS5
AutoDesk: Maya 2011, Motion Builder 2010, MudBox2011, Nuke6.3V2